7 Potty Training Tips for Moms

7 Potty Training Tips for Moms


Is your child ready for potty training?  It’s hard, I remember when Madisyn was “ready” for potty training, or I thought she was.  I was so disappointed when I realized she wasn’t ready, and my mom had to remind me that I needed to slow down and hold on to her toddler years because we cannot get them back. 

Once I backed off, it wasn’t long, and Madisyn let me know she was ready to start potty-trying.  Now, we have my niece, who is potty training, and I have learned that every child is different.  Things that Madisyn liked or that worked for her do not work for my niece.  So what are the best potty training tips?  How do you know when your toddler is ready for potty training?  I remember asking those same questions, along with 100 others.  Being a new mom is hard.  You are worried about how to potty train your little one, what is the right age to start potty training, are you doing things right as a parent, or how to know if your kid is ready to start potty training.  Well, calm down. I have a few potty training tips that will help you and your little one ditch the diapers, but only when they are ready.

7 Potty Training Tips for Moms

7 Potty Training Tips for Moms


If I learned anything with my kids, it’s WAIT! I started way, way, way to early with Madisyn, and it backfired.  I got caught up in what I would read online. You know everyone knows how to do everything better, and your child should be this age when they do this.  BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! It’s all bull!  Remember, your child is unique, special, and their own little person.  They will do things at their own pace; don’t rush them.  Calm down and let them tell you when they are ready. 

Let them lead you!

I know we are the parents, but your little one knows when they are ready.  The last thing you want to do is push them too much.  Let them lead the way, and you will be there to support them.  If they want to flush the toilet, let them.  Baby steps, follow their lead, and they will show you when they are ready.

Special Potty?

Humm, this one is up to you, but I spent money on one that has only been used once.  I think it depends on the child. My niece loves the potty that makes people notice and sings a little tune when she pushes the flusher, but Madisyn wanted to go in the big girl potty.  That’s my Maddie, lol!

High Five, Way to Go!

Make them feel good about using the big girl/boy potty.  With my daughter, I run in there, give her a huge high-five, and tell her how awesome she is and how proud of her I am.  It makes her feel good, and she wants to continue getting that high-five.  Oh, she also feels the need to run in there, give me a high-five, and tell me how proud of me she is.  She will even run and tell my husband that mom went to the big girl potty, and she needs to give me a high-five.  Yes, it never fails me the moment the bathroom door shuts. I have two little buggers in there bugging me. I still cannot believe I want another one, lol. 

Don’t get upset!

My daughter still isn’t fully potty trained; we still have issues now and again, and at night.  My niece is just now becoming interested in learning to use the big girl potty.  I remember the first time Mattie came to me after she had an accident. She was so ashamed because her sister told her she was a big girl, and big girls didn’t do that.  I know my older daughter was trying to help, but she really hurt Madisyn’s feelings.  I had to tell Madisyn that it was totally okay to have an accident and that she could always come to me, and I promised never to get mad about it.  I learned very quickly, just from the look on her face, that I should never make her feel bad about having an accident.  I also had to talk to my older daughter and explain how important it was that she let me handle things like that.  In the end, everything worked out, and everyone learned a very valuable lesson.

Don’t Keep Track

Seriously, don’t keep track.  Don’t stress yourself out or your child.  Everything will work, and it will work the way it’s supposed to.  Every child is different, and we cannot force anything.  If you begin to get stressed out over potty training, your child will notice.

Potty Training Apps 

Look for potty training apps to help you along the way. They can have great tips to help guide you and your little one into the world of using the big girl/boy potty.

It’s been my experience that when we make potty training fun, it’s like anything else—our kids will want to do it.  When we practice positive reinforcement by telling them they did great and rewarding them, they will want more of the positive attention, and before you know it, your little one will be using the big girl/boy potty all the time. 

TIP: Don’t rush things; one day you will look at your baby and realize they are not babies anymore.  Enjoy all of the baby and toddler years; every single diaper is worth it.

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Sharon G February 4, 2014 - 11:32 am

This was a real helpful and encouraging post. I cracked up when I read how your daughter gives YOU a high-5! rofl way to go Jenn! Thanks for post, it reminded me to just relax and not stress about it, and was what I needed to hear – read . 🙂

Jenn February 4, 2014 - 12:28 pm

YES, it’s crazy but they really do it all on their own.. We are only there to wipe their bums lol

Shannon February 4, 2014 - 1:40 pm

What great and helpful tips, Jenn. I love that there is an app for this now! LOL

Renee Patterson Travis February 4, 2014 - 7:22 pm

Jenn…you crack me up! I only have one child of my own and he is going on 21, so it has been a long time since potty training for me. He was so easy though, we lived out in the country and he would go #1 outside with his daddy and he did not like the potty chair. He wanted to go on the big boy potty, so we found one of those that snap on to the toilet seat and he breezed right through it. Once he was out of them, no accidents. I guess I got lucky! :*

maria c February 4, 2014 - 9:49 pm

Thank you for your post it was really helpful. I was wondering when was the right time for my son to start potty training but now I know that he would let me now when he is ready.

Ashley Miller February 5, 2014 - 7:26 am

I love this! My girls are far past potty training but I sure wish I would have thought of some of these ideas when they were younger! Thanks for the awesome posts. I can sure pass this on for my nieces and nephews and baby cousins! =)

Jenn February 5, 2014 - 1:25 pm

Thank you so much Ashley


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