The Mother Funny Things Kids Say!

The Mother Funny Things Kids Say!


?something, andThere is never a dull moment at our casa, and thanks to my children, I’m almost always smiling.  Yes, it’s the season for the funny things kids say and the embarrassing moments mom experiences. Isn’t it funny that kids will hear you say something, and three years later you think they forgot about it, and you learn that they were just saving it for the perfect moment?

Just tonight, I told Mattie and Vayda they could take a bath in my bathtub.  It couldn’t have been 10 minutes, and I hear Mattie screaming, “Vayda, where are you? It’s snowing in mom’s bathroom,” and Vayda saying, “Mattie, shut up, mom is going to kill us.”  I knew it wasn’t going to be good, so I looked at my husband and said, Please go take care of this.  He smiles, stands at the bedroom door for a moment, calmly sits back down, and tells me, “Babe, your right, let’s not go in there right now.  We can wait until after dinner; if we’re lucky, they will get lost.

Really, I get the huffy-puffy attitude going and do exactly what my husband did.  Stand at the door for a moment, turn around, calmly go sit next to him, and ask him if he wants corn or green beans with dinner.  Yes, this type of stuff seriously happens so often that we have learned how to calmly address these types of situations.  Really, we have learned it’s better to calm down if at all possible.

teenager, toddler and baby all sitting around looking like they are up to something funny

Mattie is still screaming about it snowing, and Vayda’s still telling her to shut up so I don’t hear.  Finally, after my husband and I decide which vegetable we would like with dinner, I go into the kitchen and turn on the veggies so they are done by the time I’m done handling this snow in my bathroom.  I ask my husband if he will watch the veggies, and he asks our teenager if she will watch the veggies because he wants to watch this! No, I am not kidding—not one bit!

If you’re wondering what happened, and how there was snow in my bathroom.  STUPID mom, put bubbles in the bathtub, and before I left the kids unattended in the bathtub I said, “DO NOT TOUCH THIS BUTTON.”  Well they touched that button!  It’s to the jets in our tub, before they figured out to turn off the jets my bathroom was filled with bubbles, and I mean filled.  We were scooping them out the window!

If that’s not Mother Funny, then I’m not sure what is.  Luckily, this was just #MotherFunny and not an embarrassing Mother Funny things kids say.

That’s So Mother Funny! The Funny Things Kids Say!

Oh, you really need to head over to and check out all the #MotherFunny stuff going on over there!  You’ll realize real quick that you’re not alone!  Plus, there’s nothing like having a nice laugh at other parents #MotherFunny experiences.  You’re happy because you now know you’re kids are not weird or something. You are happy this kind of stuff happens to other people too, and kids are just funny, and they say some #MotherFunny things on the Nick Moms website too!

Here’s a few more of our Thanksgiving #MotherFunny – Funny Things Kids Say!

Mattie: “Grannie, are you doing Turkey with us?”  Grannie: “I sure am, honey; are you excited.” Mattie: “No, because I don’t want to eat your poop.”  Grannie: “What, honey, that’s gross You should not be talking like that.”  Mattie: “Well, mom said,” OMG, I blamed Catie and Catie blamed me; of course I got “The Look.”  Grannie takes her cooking seriously…  Lesson hard learned: I should have looked to make sure Mattie wasn’t around before Catie and I started joking about grannies cooking!  My bad, it gets worse Mattie told someone from church that she was eating her grandmother’s poop for Thanksgiving.

mother funny

Vayda told her grandma (my mom) that she was thankful my husband and I didn’t drop her on her head when she was little, like she dropped her aunt Lorena (my sister).  My sister still asks me what she was talking about; I play the stupid card on that one, lol.  My sister dresses, and my husband and I had been joking around about a crazy outfit she wore to Thanksgiving dinner, and of course our child heard us joking about it.

Catie: “Mom, today isn’t the day to ask me to make my bed.  I have to be Thanksgiving at school.

Mattie: “I cannot stop crying because Vayda put buggers in the cherry pie.”  Me: “No, she didn’t.” Mattie: “Yes, she did, mom. I tasted one.

Why do my kids love to talk about farts and pooping with their cousin while eating Thanksgiving dinner?

Mattie: “When you fart does a bubble come out your butt too.”

Catie: “Don’t fart in your wetsuit, you will float away forever.”

Vayda: “Never trust a fart.  Always go to the bathroom, because it might not really be a fart.” (Teaching her younger cousin, who was also potty training.)

Mattie: “Mom, the turkey tastes rectal.”  She was trying to say radical, like her big sister, lol.

Not to worry, my kids are normal!  It seems that all kids talk about farts and pooping!  Swing by NickMom and search for Fart!  You will find some pretty darn funny stuff!

Vayda: “Did you make those cookies all by yourself?  Good job, mom; I didn’t know you could do that.  I’m proud of you. Give me a hug.  Can I have one?”

Vayda: I had Thanksgiving with Vayda at her school, and she told her teacher, “My sister doesn’t need any turkey; she’s still eating my mom’s boobs.”

Vayda: After we ate, all the kids got up in front of their classmates and said what they were thankful for.  Yes, I couldn’t stop laughing after she said, “I’m thankful for my mom’s psychopowers.  She always knows what I need and what presents to get me.”

kids are so funny

Last one, but I cannot leave this one out.  Mattie goes to pre-school for a few hours on Tuesday and Thursday.  Anyway, normally I show up about 10 minutes early and wait outside her classroom until she is finished.  On Tuesday, I didn’t show up until right when it was time for her to get out.  She came running up to me, “MOM!!!!  Oh, mom, I was totally freaking out.  You were late; my teacher wanted to cook for me.  She said she was going to put me in the oven; you were not here, you were late, and I was totally freaking out, mom.”  Her hands were flying, and she was in a major panic.

It took us a little bit to figure out what she was talking about, but her teacher was talking to some of the parents about what they needed to bring for their Thanksgiving party.  She told some of them that her school was going to cook the turkey, so that was not something they needed to worry about.  I guess Mattie assumed that because I wasn’t there yet, and one of her nicknames is Turkey, she assumed it was her going in the oven. 

Happy Holidays, Everyone!  May your Thanksgiving be filled with smiles and laughs from all the funny things kids say and do!

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Deborah D November 21, 2013 - 8:27 am

It sounds like you sure have fun at home!!!!!!!

lisa November 21, 2013 - 11:35 am

Kids do say the funniest things. It’s even more funny because of their innocence.

M.Clark November 21, 2013 - 8:20 pm

Very funny!! Thank you for sharing these funny moments and the great website.

Summer Davis December 7, 2013 - 1:39 pm

Kids are so embarrassing, and it’s hard to remember that we should keep our big mouths closed around them as much as possible. I Love NickMom because it’s great at reminding me I’m not the only crazy person out there. #client

T.E. Lawrence January 3, 2014 - 4:07 am

I’ve got one for you….when one of my boys was about 1 1/2 -2 years old, he had this big thing for trucks. Every time he saw one he would point, jump up and down and start yelling, “truck! truck! truck!”. You might be asking yourself, “What’s so bad about that?”. The problem was he had a hard time with consonant blends — tr in particular. His tr came out like an f so it sounded like he was dropping f-bombs all over the place! And yes,, of course, in front of the church ladies, the pastor and everyone else he could embarrass me in front of. Oh the looks I got! I can laugh about it now but it sure was uncomfortable back then!


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