Save Money: Tips For Smart Bidding On DealDash


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of DealDash for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

We all like to save money!  I know I sure do, especially with the holidays coming up.  I think it’s safe to say most of us are looking for ways to save money, and get those great deals.  I wonder if you have heard of DealDash?  It’s an awesome website, and you can score some AWESOME deals.   You might have seen advertised on CNN, Lifetime, Fox News Channel, or even A&E! 

Win great products – DealDash has tons of products, from toys and gifts to electronics and items for your home.  Oh yes, don’t owrry that fancy new iPad you’ve been wanting, it’s likely they have one too!  See all items are brand new, come with the normal warranties you’re used to, and come backed by DealDash’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.  When you bid for that new iPad, laptops, or whatever else you see that you like you can bid with confidence. 

Winning is great – It’s hard not to win with!  See it’s an auction, when you when they ship your product to you for FREE!  Yes, so now you get something at a great price, and get FREE shipping!  If you don’t win you can buy the item for it’s retail price using the Buy It Now feature too.  I know, we all want to win, but there are times we don’t, and it’s good to know you’ll still get the same free shipping even if you don’t win!  Oh, and DealDash will also give you back the bids you places in the auction! 

Bidding is awesome – Bidding starts out at $0, and it raises by $0.01 when someone places a bid.  I know, it’s not a lot, and when someone bids the clock is reset!  When there are not anymore bids, and the time runs out the auction is over, the last bidder wins!  You never know, it could be you!

So how does work?

It’s actually pretty easy, and you never know if you’ll end up walking away with an iPad for $13.66, 50-Inch HDTV for only $1, Macbook for $3.44, or another totally crazy deal.  See things like this are happening on DealDash all the time.  The winner of the auction typically can buy the item they were bidding on for 60-99% off retail.  With free shipping, you really cannot beat that deal.  If you win an auction, simply head over to your dashboard and check out your won auctions.  Then pay for the last auction, and they’ll ship everything to you within 10 days. 

Tips For Smart Bidding On DealDash

If you’re thinking about heading over to DealDash than here are a few great tips for smart bidding so you can win more auctions.

DealDash is a great site, especially if you’re a good bidder!  I think bidding is the secret, I don’t bid on things everyone wants.  You know, there is so many other GREAT items.

I got my last wireless activity and sleep tracker wristband for less than $5, some toys for the kids at CRAZY cheap prices, gift cards, pizza pan, and a few other things.  All at prices that would drop your jaw, and here’s how.  

  • Conserve – Don’t go crazy!  We all know bidding can be fun, but don’t let it get the best of you.  Bidding quickly will only lead to wasting your bids, and make the item more expensive. 
  • BidBuddy – Did you know the majority of the bids won on DealDash are won by using BidBuddy?  See BidBuddy helps you out by strategically placing bids for you.  It will wait until the very last second to bid for you, and you can put a limit on how many bids it will use.  You can also cancel your BidBuddy when you like.
  • Freebie Bids – Did you know you can earn free bids too?  When you’re the highest bidder you’ll earn time toward your next level, and when you reach a new level you’ll get free bids.

Who else is bidding – Check out your competition – watch and learn.

  • Buy it now & get your bids back – If you’re bidding on a $50 gift card and you bid 100 times, it would be a to have the chance to buy it at $50 and get your bids back right.. You totally can with DealDash!  Yes, if you don’t win you can use the buy it now feature and get your bids back.  Definitely, something to consider.
  • Winner – Look at the winners, see what they have one, as well as the prices they have received them at. 
  • Times – You never know if, try different times of the day!  Auctions are only open to US, and it might be easier to win at a different time.  Give it a shot.
  • Budget – Try bidding on items that are less popular, and now as expensive.  There is likely fewer people bidding on those items, which increases your chances on winning them.       

DealDash can be a great way to save up to 97% on brand new items, from suppliers like Walmart, Best Buy, and Sears.  Since they started they have grown into the most trusted pay-to-pay auction provider on the net.    They are the longest running penny auction site in the United States, and offer the largest variet of kitchen equipment, home threatre, and toys of the kids in the industry. 

You can learn more about DealDash by visiting them on their website – DealDash

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