Tips For Being a Happy Stay At Home Mom

10 Tips For Being a Happy Stay At Home Mom


global infurance spHaving the chance to stay home with your kids isn’t for everyone, for some families it’s not an option, and some stay at home moms cannot mange to learn how to be a happy stay at home mom. Whether you work or not, being mom isn’t easy, and learning how to be a happy stay at home mom can take work.  It’s easy to forget about your hair when you’re home everyday, trust me I stopped doing mine too, but I had to make myself get up, do my hair, and try new things so I could learn what things made me happy in my new role.  There are ways to get back on track, and help you be a happy stay at home mom!

Devoting your time, energy, and giving up your job or career to care for your children is often easier said than done.  Trust me, I recently left my career, where I made great money, to stay home with my children, and I went thought the depressed, poor me, I don’t want to be a stay at home mom anymore time.  However, once I stopped and thought about everything I realized it wasn’t me being a stay at home mom that made me depressed, it was things I could do as a working mom.

Sure the poop diapers, fighting, screaming, and all that other stuff that comes along with being mom, but it’s all worth it in the end, because the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  When I started to get depressed, I had to remember why I left my career – because I was sick of paying someone to get the best moments in my kids lives.  I was sick of someone else seeing their first steps, hearing them say something for the first time, watching them grow and learn things daily, and telling me about it. 

Tips For Being a Happy Stay At Home Mom10 Tips For Being a Happy Stay At Home Mom

So if it wasn’t my career, and I was glad I could be part of my children’s lives 100% of the time, what was it?  If you’re a stay at home mom struggling to keep your sanity here are a few things that helped me dust myself off and realize I’m one lucky gal!

Enjoy it – It’s easy to get stuck in your daily routine, but remember you don’t have to get stuck there.  Enjoy your day, go to the park, do crafts, take at least 1 hour every single day for something fun with your kids.  Seeing them smile, and watching them have fun makes things worth it.

Mom time matters – Take 30 minutes daily, for mom time.  It’s totally possible, you might need to wake up 30 minutes early, or lay on the couch with your little ones for a movie.  Whatever it is that gets you away from the dishes, laundry and all the other no-so-fun tasks, and do something you want to do.  I like to wake up 30 minutes, early and get my shower out-of-the-way.  I feel good, and have a fresh start to my day.

Play group or moms group – Join a group of some sort, with other moms.  It’s fun to sit around and talk while the kids play.  You can meet up at the park, one another’s house, and just enjoy time talking to other adults.  Plus, you’d be surprised how many other moms might be feeling the same way as you.

Find a hobby – Find a hobby, and don’t be scared to try new things.  You might just be surprised at the things you enjoy doing.  Whether it’s crafting, diy old furniture, walking, yoga, painting, it’s a great way to clear your brain and have something that’s all yours.  You don’t know what will come from it either.  I have several friends who now make money from their hobbies – cake decorating, painting, and writing.  You just never know where a path takes you unless you go down it.

Get out of the house – Whether it’s the park, or playing in the backyard, it feels good to get some sun and breathe fresh air.

Remember kids grow up – Remember your kids are going to grow up.  There will be a point when you look back and wish you had those days back.  I’m there with my oldest daughter, I just want her to be little again, and my youngest daughter is getting bigger, it makes me want to have another baby. 

Work from home – Working from home helps me feel good about me, and like I am contributing.  It’s hard with the kids home, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Don’t forget your spouse – One of the most important tips I can give is to remember your spouse.  It can be hard, and you might even be a little jealous they get to leave the house daily, but remember they do it for you and the family.  I have to remember, my husband works daily for his family, it’s not fun time.  Make sure and schedule time for your partner, you’ll both need TLC, and it’s easier to keep the spark going than it is to find it later after you’ve lost it.  My husband and I work very hard to keep our date nights, because we lost it, which resulted in splitting up for 6 months, until we could work out our issues.  Now we focus on time for us weekly, even if we put the kids to bed and stay up for a movie together, it’s our time, and we both enjoy it.

You matter – Another super important tip, is to remember you matter too!  From purchasing yourself new shoes now and then, to taking a shower you matter too!  Remember that, when you need something budget it in, and try to stop putting yourself off so you can get the kids another toy.  Do something nice for yourself, because you work hard and deserve it.  It can help you in being a happy stay at home mom.

Your your body & hair matter too – Get up, shower, get dressed, put on makeup, and do your hair like you would if you were getting ready for work.  You still work, who cares if it’s with the kids, you’ll feel better about yourself.  Even if it’s a cute pair of yoga pants, and a nice tank top, it feels good to get out of those PJ’s and get dressed for the day!  Plus, take care of your hair daily, and get it cut and colored!  You deserve it, and you’re worth it.  If you like highlights, be sure and keep up with them.  If you’re more into dark hair, do it, and if you’re a gal who keeps up with the seasons keep up with them.  make it a point to get your hair done, change it if you’re getting bored, and have fun like you used to.  Do whatever makes you feel good about yourself.  For me doing something different now and again is like a reset button.  I love going to the salon, and doing something different.  Looking and feeling your best helps be a happy stay at home mom.

help stay at home momsIt feels good, but it’s also important to keep up with your hair daily too.  If you’re struggling, and don’t know where to start when it comes to your hair, you can find great styling videos and more info on TRESemme products by visiting  TRESemme and Walmart have teamed up and they want to invite you to amp up not just your date night hair, but your TRESemme VMA style too! TRESemme invites you to amp up your VMA style with 5 red carpet worthy looks that you’re going to love:

  • Pumped Up Pony
  • Super Sleek Look
  • Rock N Roll Waves
  • Full Blown Volume

Regardless of if you’re a happy stay at home mom, or a happy working mom – being mom is work.  They both have their ups and downs, and I don’t think one is worse than the other, they’re simply different, and not all of us are going to enjoy staying home or working, but we all have one thing in common.  We love our children, and would do anything for them.  That’s what being mom is all about, being there for, and loving our children to the ends of the earth! 

quote about mom. Just mom you say I found this fun quote for moms, and thought I would share it!  I think it fits, and this is for ALL, regardless of whether you work or stay home!  I thought it was cute, and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

So if you’re not the stay at home mom type, you have tried everything you can think of to enjoy your time home, but you’re still not feeling it you might begin to get your life situated so you can begin to go back to work.  Beng a stay at home mom isn’t for everyone, and that is okay.  Try to enjoy the time you have with your little one now, and begin job searching when you’re to a comfortable point.  

Do you have any tips to help other stay at home moms who might be struggling to find their happy place?  Leave us a comment, you never know whose life your tip might impact!  I look forward to reading all your tips for stay-at-home moms!

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