First, thank you so much Marshal for inviting me on this amazing adventure, and thank you Disney for paying for my trip to LA to experience the Red Carpet Premier for Thor: The Dark World, and having the chance to be part of the Tom Hiddleston interview! This truly has been the most amazing experience, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to share it with my fabulous readers! I am still beside myself, I still get to share my Jaimie Alexander Interview with you, and who could forget the prince gone warrior Levi Zachary.
I’m sure most of you remember my post from a few weeks ago, the one where I was asking for your help with interview questions for the wonderful Tom Hiddleston. Well, we finally did the interview, and it was amazing. So if you had a chance to interview Loki, oh wait I mean Tom Hiddleston about his role in Thor: The Dark World what would you ask him? Between the 25 bloggers that were there we had plenty of questions, and spending time with Tom Hiddleston was so much fun the time flew by.
Before we get started I have to say Tom Hiddleston is a very handsome man, but even more so once you meet him. He’s very charismatic, full of energy, and OMG roll over laughing funny. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but watching his interviews via YouTube I figured he was pretty awesome. He’s very intellectual, and really loves his role as a villain, Loki! If you’re not sure who Loki is, or anything about his role in Thor: The Dark World watch the movies from start to finish! To give you a little rundown Loki is the god of mischief, and mischievous he is.
Let the Tom Hiddleston interview begin!
Once Tom walked into the room, we all clapped because he really is amazing. His entrance into the room was energetic and full of excitement, said hello, and asks how it’s going. Then starts with the funny business by saying, “Oh its official I feel like I’m the president or something.” Of course we all giggle, and his excitement really set the stage for all of us! I loved how excited he was to sit down with all 25 of us, with our phones, laptops, or tablets!
Oh, he also has something fun to say about the film. He smiles, with his magnetic smile (yes, I think he is gorgeous) and reminds us all that he plays the bad guy. “I play the bad guy, you probably know that, um, I feel like I should be sitting here with a white cat and stroking it.” So much fun, good times!”
Let the questions begin!
The first question that comes to my mind is when someone asked Tom if he liked playing the bad guy. His response was amazing, and such an amazing way to look at life.
Tom explained how he loved playing all types of roles. “I always feel like human nature is like a piano, there are 88 keys and there are some white keys and some black keys. Each character is a different chord on the piano, and I love that in the course of my life I will have played all 88 keys in lots of different ways.”
He continues to say, “So I’ll have play heroes’, and villains, and princes, kings, warriors, beggars, thieves, and lover and, um, fathers and wizards, and all of those things. So, that’s it, for me that’s why I’m an actor, I love studying people.”
“Loki’s just a particular kind, actually I think he’s a minor cord with a couple of black notes in there. Thor is the God of Thunder and Loki is the God of Mischief, and his mischief is the thing that I love playing so much. His playfulness, his sense of fun, and challenge of course is to make him real, vulnerable, and complex.
He really is an amazing mad, a very wise man, and a super fun guy to be around. He just makes you feel comfortable, he didn’t sit there acting like he was a star. At this point I saw his as an everyday person like everyone sitting in the room, which was great! It really made things more fun, I think I was expecting to feel uncomfortable being around such a big name, and all.
On to more questions, I know you are itching to know what else we asked!
Someone asked How Loki had changed since we saw him last, and wanted to know if he had reconciled with this dad.
Of course for this one Tom had to giggle, if you have seen the movie you will understand why he giggled. He goes on to explain that Loki is still angry with his father, and says “Basically you find him in the wake of what happened in The Avengers. He’s back and he’s in prison. He has basically been written out of history, condemned to be forgotten, unseen, unheard, and haunted by his demons for eternity. I think he’s keeping himself sharp by reading, keeping his mind exercised.” He goes on to explain that Loki will always be manipulative, and how he thinks Loki is coming back more mischievous, fun, and provocative.“
He continues to explain how he feels about Loki, at this point you can see how much the character matters to him.
Tom continues by saying, “But he’s also more damaged, like there’s a kind of spiritual vulnerability, which is really acute. I think he has hit rock bottom in this film, he’s more alone, he’s lonelier, more say, angrier.”
He had to stop himself from going too far, he didn’t want to reveal too much. I honestly wanted him to keep going. I had no idea how much he connected with Loki. I guess you would have to, but listening to him talk about the character made me like Loki more than I already did. It made me look at Loki like a real person, not a character in a story. Listening to him talk about Loki, was truly amazing.
Tom also touches on Loki and Thor’s relationship, but I really don’t want to talk too much about it, because you MUST see this film. He does bring up the fact that there is tension between Loki, and Thor, but the fact that they were two brother who were brought up as equals, and best friends! But he also reminds us that Thor had made no bones about it because Thor does tell Loki that he will kill him if he betrays him. OMG, you just have to see it…
Tom also explains Loki to us in an interesting way. “Thor is the God of Thunder. And Thunder is powerful, and strong. He’s noble, upstanding, and he’s a prince. If there were a pack of fireworks, Loki is the firework on the end. You’re not quite sure what it’s going to do. He’s sort of the wild card. You know, if you light the fuse the fireworks will go up, around, spin, and explode in a ball of multicolored fire. That’s is spiritually who Loki is. So playing on that, unpredictability, and his playfulness has been really fun.”
Can you tell how much this character means to him? At this point I am finding myself rooting for the bad guy, simply because I feel bad for him now, he’s at rock bottom, and after watching the film you see a different side of Loki at times. I’m starting to see Loki in a different light, a more damaged light. And I kind of feel sorry for him, and just want to give him a hug. LOL, true story. Okay, so you busted me it also has to do with the fact that I would LOVE to give Tom a hug because he is just so darn amazing!
Just wait, you will find yourself liking Loki more if you don’t already. Someone asked Tom if they would find themselves rooting for Loki like they did in the first film.
“It really gives me so much please to hear you say that, because when I was a kid I would watch the bad guys, the ones I loved were the ones who you sort of wanted to win. I hope you will see he is still vulnerable, all of his inclinations to provoke chaos, start fires, create conflict, and enjoy all of that stuff. His delight in disorder is a mask of control. And behind the mask is someone incredibly wounded, lost, and conflicted. The duplicity of those things, dichotomy of the two outer and inner, that’s the gold for an actor. To present a particular mask to the world, and yet create an internal. I hope you will, but that’s what I tried to do.”
I love this question, “If someone visits your home, and looked inside the refrigerator what would they find?
Of course, Tom has been on the road and he tells us that he emptied the fridge. He’s so much fun, he even tells us that his mum taught him that before he went away. He also tells us there is a few bottles of fizzy water, maybe old cheese, but now is debating on whether or not he should have left the cheese, lol. He also says the word fridgy, I almost busted out laughing at that one.
There was a point when the interview was supposed to end, and Tom asks for a little more time. I thought that was really amazing. He was supposed to be learning for his big premier, and he wanted to be sure he got all of our questions in. Don’t tell, but I think he really liked us, lol. So what’s the question he stuck around for?
Someone asks what his favorite part of the film is. I know you’re wondering what it is, and guess what… I’m going to tell you, because if you haven’t seen it this is going to make you want to jump up out of your chair and go. It would me anyway:
Tom says, “Working with Chris Hemsworth (Woot Woot). There are a couple of scenes where I feel like you just really get a sense of the particular chemistry of the two guys. I also know that my friendship with Chris is something that infused that relationship, because he and I met in 2009, were both in our late 20s, and we’d been kicking around the business for the same amount of time.
We became very firm and fast friends. We have had this amazing adventure together, I think our friendship really infuses the Thor/Loki relationship. There’s a scenes where they are arguing over who gets to drive, which I feel is one of my favorites.”
Someone asks him about the kids he surprised at a screening, how he got involved with the charities to surprise them, and if the kids were excited to see him.
“Well it was so thrilling for me. I knew I was coming here this weekend. It seemed like nothing to stop in and introduce. I have done some work with charities like Variety and The Children’s Aide Society for children as well. I heard they were doing it so it was nothing to just hope over and surprise them, especially with Halloween as well. They were all wearing Free Loki t-shirts, Thor helmets, and hammers. I sort of got like cheered and booed at the same time, because I was the bad guy, and it was great.”
Next question, how long it been since he had been interested in comic books?
“One of my favorite things as a kid was a game in England called “Top Trumps.” They come in different categories, so you could have them for racing car, motocross bikes, fighter jets, and basically they’re all these things listed with their vital statistics. It’s a simple game. I had “Top Trumps” for Marvel’s Superheroes, and super villains. So I didn’t read comics, but I knew the vital statistics of every superhero, and supervillain.”
Someone asked if Tom was to play a different villain again, would he bring back some of Loki.
I loved the way Top explained that he wasn’t sure. He said, “It would depend on the villain, because they are all so different. When I think of villain, I think of the bad guy, but Tom really helped me see there is so much more to them than that. He said, I’s have to be very specific to his particular brand of villainy. I think it’s that what I see as my job is to be a really rigorous to that characters truth. And so Loki’s truth is playful, mischievous, vulnerable, and damaged, but another bad guy might be kind of chaotic, or cold in some way.”
Then we began talking about Tom’s role as Captain Hook in a film called The Pirate Fairy, a Disney Animation.
You are never going to guess what the interview ended with… Come on, just guess! Okay, fine I will tell you…
One of Tom’s amazing impressions of Sean Connery doing Loki’s lines. He said he was feeling the part since he was wearing the right suite for Sean Connery too. OMG, it was so funny. I think all of us laughed so hard we had tears, such an amazing man, so much fun, and SO STINKING FUNNY!
It was truly an amazing experience, and an opportunity to really understand what an actor does to play such a believable role, because playing Loki cannot be easy. I mean he’s not real, and well if you haven’t seen the movies I cannot tell you enough, GO SEE IT. I don’t know how anyone could be disappointed with the movies, but I do warn you it will leave you wanting to see more Thor and Loki. I don’t care which team you’re on.
Oh, and you better belive we couldn’t finish up without a group picture! As you can see Tom Hiddleston is a super tall man! Either that or all of us are super short, lol. Thanks Tom it was amazing getting to know more about you, and understanding a little more about Loki! What an amazing interview!
Be sure to head to a theater near you and see Thor: The Dark World! It’s a must see movie, you’re going to love it! If you have not ready it yet, be sure to read my Thor The Dark World Red Carpet Premier and Movie Review.
I cant wait to watch this! Chris Hemsworth is good looking!
You are absolutely right, I really need to see this movie. Thank you for this great review, it really helped me to get to know this actor better as well as the character he plays, Loki.
I’m Team Tom so this was such a great post to read! He IS funny! Based on the Youtube videos and all. So jealous you got to meet him and have a picture taken. Gosh….he seems really kind too which is rare and so wonderful to know. And also loved the parts he spoke about Loki and his intricacies and how he connects and feels about the character.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience with us!
YES, he is just amazing… I was really suprised, not sure what I was expecting but he was just amazing and so darn funny!
thats so exciting! I have grown to love Loki since after the first Thor. I even been watching some of his comicon interviews via youtube. you’re so lucky to even be in the same room as he is. I loved the movie and plan to see it again and again and yes buy the big collection. I never realized that he is actually younger than me until last night haha he is 6’2 so indeed he is tall! Awesome interview Jenn 🙂 So excited for you and can’t wait to see more of Tom in other movies than Thor /Marvel
Thanks so much Barbra we had so much fun while we were there.. I cannot even tell you, and Tom well he is not only dreamy but amazing and super funny… #TeamLoki
This movie was amazing. Thank you for the great review.