quotes about dads

Seven Reasons My Father Is My Hero! Help #KeepTheGoodGoing


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of New York Life for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

My goal is to be an amazing parent to my children, the way my parents were to me.  I want to keep the good going for generations to come.

Keep Good Going: My Grandfather

Do you have someone in your life who has inspired you, a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, or words which have made a lasting impact on you to keep the good going?
Watch this video, it’s touching.  The video is called “My Grandfather,” it tells the story of a grandson connecting with his family heritage and roots inspired by lessons he learned from his grandfather, as well as how the lessons can be carried on for the rest of his life.
The video, made me start thinking back to my childhood.  The first thing that comes to my mine is my daddy.  He has impacted my life more than he will ever know.
I have always been a daddy’s girl, even as an adult I am a daddy’s girl.  He’s my hero, always has and always will be.  He has no choice, lol.  I cherish every memory I have with my father.  He is a huge part of the reason I am who I am today.  I still, at 30 years old, call him daddy!
What is it about my daddy that makes him so special to me?  To me, he is perfect.  He is the one man in my life I know will always be there for me, regardless of the stupid things I do and say.  Yes, my husband is amazing, I love him, he is there for me, loves me, but he can not take my father’s place, nor would he ever try.
He understands because our girls look at him the same way I did my dad.  Their daddy is their hero, and you cannot take that away from any of them, nor would anyone want to.  It’s amazing, to see my girls get that same look in their eyes when they talk about their daddy!

quotes about dadsEight Reason, My Father, Is My Hero!

There are plenty of reasons my dad is my hero, but here are my top 8 reasons my daddy is my hero:

My dad loves me, growing up he was hard on me.

My dad helped to mold me into who I am today.  He taught me how to work on my car, build a fence, change a tire, paint a house, mess with the plumbing when it froze, and anything else he thought might help me in life.  He taught me to work hard, I was capable of anything, and always remember I could stand on my own two feet.
He taught me that nothing worth keeping was easy, the more effort I had to put into something, the more it was going to mean in the end.  He taught me to dream big, work hard, and never give up.

He taught me to stand up for myself

He taught me to be strong, independent, and stand up for things I believe in.   Which I am passing down to my children.  They know how it feels to work for what they want, and they know if they are willing to work for something their father and I are willing to help them.  We have 3 girls, we want them to know they are strong and can take care of themselves.

My daddy wanted to spend time with me.

My daddy always had time for me!  I can remember every weekend, we would jump in “Old Mod” (dad’s big truck), and drive into town for candy and coke.  We always took a long way home, typically meant we would make our own road home.  Man, I love that truck – Old Mod!
When my mom was about to pull her hair out, dad would always step in to give mom a break!  He spends with us individually, as well as together.  Looking back, he never thought twice about doing what needed to be done!  He taught me that a real man is so much more than working hard and being strong.
Real men are not scared to put on an apron and help mom cook dinner, or better yet give her the night off. Growing up with my dad made me SUPER picky when it came to dating.  I am 99% sure this is the reason it took me so long to find a man, settle down and start a family.  I looked long and hard for a man whom could compare to my father.

My dad is a gentleman.

He treats all women with respect.  To this day, he will open to door for mom or any female for that matter.  My father, my brother, and my husband are the only men who always open the car door for me.  Even after all these years, I know to wait because they insist on opening the door.

My father loves and respects my mother. He always made sure we did too.

To this day, not one person will doubt my dads love for my mom.  He has always been her #1 fan and supported her in anything she wanted to do.  Oh, and growing up nobody talked back to mom!  I remember what happened to my brother when he called her the “B” word one time.  Let’s just say it never happened again.  My dad made no bones about it, without our mom we wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t have the things we had, and we would respect her.

My dad supported me

Growing up we were broke, and I mean broke.  It did not stop my dad from making sure I had my horses, and he was able to haul my horses and me from rodeo to rodeo.  He saw me get up early, feed my horses, works with them from morning until night, just like he taught me – if you want something to work for it.  I worked for it, at the time I did not notice how much he worked to be sure I was able to have all the extras.  My dad kept up with his part by making sure we were able to do things we wanted, as long as we were willing to work for them.  I now see how hard he worked to have the extra money.

Because of my father, I married a great man.

After Shawn and I had started our family, I realized how much he is like my father.  It’s funny, but I spent all those years searching for a man like my father.  I look at the way my girls look up to their daddy and know I married the right person.  
I look at my brother, and he’s a lot like my father, with my mother’s tender heart.  I know it has to do with the way we were both raised.
Don’t worry mom, we know what you did for us too.  Mother’s Day is right around the corner, I have something SUPER special planned for the best mom and grandma in the whole wide world.  I have amazing parents, I would be lost without them, and I count my blessing every single day.

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nancyfancypink April 7, 2014 - 11:21 am

Thank you so much for this post. There are so many memories I have too of my father being so good to me.

Shannon April 10, 2014 - 5:51 am

Um. I am really the worst person to ask this. I never knew my grandpa or my dad. I can say that my mom tried her best to give me what I needed and my grandmother helped out. My mom gave my brother and I the best holidays she could even though she had a terrible low paying job.

Sarah L April 11, 2014 - 1:15 am

My father also told me I could do anything I put my mind to. When I decided to join the Air Force he was completely behind my decision and then he wrote me every week.

RANDY FULGHAM April 14, 2014 - 12:25 pm



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