Raising Healthy Kids From The Inside Out

Raising Healthy Kids From The Inside Out


As parents, we want nothing more than to raise happy & healthy kids, starting from the inside out!  What’s the first thing you think about when you think of ways you can help make sure your children are happy & healthy from the inside out?  The first thing that comes to mind is nutrition and hydration.  Of course, a healthy diet and hydration are critical, but there are other things we need to consider if we want our kids to be happy and healthy.

Since 70 to 80% of the immune system is in our gut, it’s important to associate gut bacteria with our overall health.  Did you know that you can support yours & your child’s digestion, energy levels, fat metabolism, and immune system all at the same time with NEW SmartyPants Adult and Kids Probiotic Complete Gummies?

Being a child isn’t easy; I mean, it takes a lot.  Think back to how many times you tried to cross the monkey bars before you finally made it across, and once you did make it across, how many times did you go across them?  Oh, and don’t forget about schoolwork; it’s not easy.  Our kids are responsible for a lot, and it takes courage to be a kid.  They have to have guts, and we need to do everything we can to make sure they are happy and healthy.


Raising Healthy Kids From The Inside Out

SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete is an excellent gummy probiotic that tastes great (yes, I did try one, lol), is made with premium ingredients, and it’s made using a quality probiotic.  SmartyPants delivers 7x more CFU than any other probiotic gummy product. Helping us raise healthy kids.

So what is a prebiotic?  Prebiotics are special plant fibers that are resistant to digestion.  Since the body isn’t able to digest prebiotics, they go through the body into the large intestine, where they will act as food for the probiotic bacteria.

SmartyPants kids probiotic

So what makes SmartyPants Probiotic Complete different from other probiotics available for your child?  There are several things that make SmartyPants Probiotic Complete stand apart from the rest such as:

  • SmartyPants Adult & Kids Probiotic Complete products combine multi-strain probiotics and Wellmune® prebiotic immune support, all in one yummy gummy!  Each serving of SmartPants Adult Probiotic Complete delivers 7x more CFUs than the leading gummy probiotics and SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete delivers 4X more.
  • SmartPants multi-strain probiotics are in the form of a spore which is the form of probiotics that can survive – time, changing temperatures, and the harsh conditions of your stomach acid.  Natural Microencapsulation helps to ensure that 99% of the probiotics from SmartPants makes it all the way to your large intestine alive and well so they can flourish, multiply and help you and your family feel fabulous.  SmartyPants decided to go with Bacillus subtilis DE111® and Bacillus cagulansi@2 because they are the two strains that have been researched the most.
  • Oh, and don’t forget that SmartyPants multi-strain probiotics also include Wellmune®, which is a third-party prebiotic fiber that works to strengthen your immune system.  It helps feed the probiotic bacteria in SmartyPants Probiotic Complete products.  Wellmune® does not artificially stimulate the immune system, nor does it make immune cells work too hard.  It simply prepares them in case something comes up.
  • Supports optimal digestive and immune health*.
  • SmartyPants wants to make sure that what you read on their labels is accurate, so they have a third-party lab test done on each batch for purity and potency.
  • The gummies are made with premium ingredients and are vegetarian.  The sweeteners are organic, and there are no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.  SmartyPants is non-GMO, gluten-free, and allergen-free.
  • SmartyPants gives back!  I love learning about brands that put effort into giving back; it’s something that makes me remember specific brands like SmartyPants.  They want to spread health to as many people as possible, so they have a one-for-one nutrient supplement called Vitamin Angels.  This means that each grant provides a child with life-changing vitamin A supplementation for one year!  So far, SmartyPants has helped more than 2 million children, thanks to the support of their customers, and they are hoping to reach 10 million by the year 2018!

Check out what each serving contains:

  • Includes probiotic strains DE111® and 1S2*
  • Proven 99% survivability in stomach acid
  • Promotes good gut bacteria and digestive healthy*
  • Contains clinically proven Wellmune® prebiotic immune support*
  • Vegetarian and Non-GMO
  • Delivers 4 billion CFUs per two gummies
  • There are NO artificial flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives.
  • No synthetic colors
  • No high fructose corn syrup
  • No GMOsNo gluten
  • No Tree Nuts
  • No peanuts
  • No dairy

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My kids love SmartyPants; I don’t even have to chase them down to take them.  They come to me each morning, asking if they can please have their SmartyPants gummy!  Now, tell me that isn’t super sweet!

If you’ve been thinking about probiotics for your family, be sure to check out SmartyPants Adult & Kids Probiotic Complete!  Remember to always trust your gut!

To learn more about SmartyPants and how they can help you raise healthy kids, visit them online at SmartyPantsVitamins.com and follow them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Are you currently or have you taken or given your children a probiotic in the past?  If so leave us a comment and let us know what you think about probiotics and if you’ll be trying SmartyPants.

This is a sponsored post written for SmartyPants.  All opinions are my own and I hope you’ll try SmartyPants for yourself and share your opinion with us in the comments below.

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