Spring is in the air; it’s warming up, trees and flowers are starting to bloom, and those darn allergies are kicking in. Spring is y favorite time of year, but I could do without all the allergies. I get them every now and again, when it’s dry outside; the wind starts kicking up dust, and certain flowers start to bloom.
My poor daughters, Catie and Vayda they get them pretty bad. Vayda worse than Catie, but both of them are walking around coughing, itchy eyes, sniffling, and sneezing once pollen begins to hit the ground. Over the years, I have learned a few tips to help deal with spring pollen allergies.
Nine Tips to Help Deal with Spring Pollen Allergies
If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, here are nine tips to help deal with spring pollen allergies. I hope they help
Stay Inside When Pollen Counts Are High
When pollen counts are high be sure to stay inside, with the doors and windows shut. Allergies caused from pollen is not fun. Typically pollen is its heaviest when it’s nice outside, and when we want to be outdoors because the temperature is perfect. Oh, and one of my favorite things is to sleep with my window open.
There is nothing like a cool spring breeze while you sleep. Well that is, until you wake up with itchy and swollen. It might be tempting, but if you are someone in your household suffers from pollen allergies be sure to keep them indoors with windows and doors shut. When you leave in the car, be sure to keep the windows up, as well. Be sure to turn on the air conditioner and recirculate the air.
Use an Air Purifier
I am sure many of you who suffer from pollen allergies, or any allergies have used an air purifier. They help capture dust, pollen, and other allergens to help those who suffer from allergies. Between you and I, other than an air purifier helping the kid’s breath better, I love having an air purifier because it helps cut down on the amount of dusting I have to do, lol.
I live in southern New Mexico; it’s dry and HOT! An air purifier helps capture dust, which means I have to dust less. While I do not notice a huge difference, I do notice a difference for sure. So I know my kids are breathing in less dust, which helps them breathe better, but it does not stop all the pollen that makes their allergies act up.
Don’t Open Windows
This one is hard for me; I love opening my windows in the spring, and breathing the fresh air. Keeping the windows closed, especially when there is any breeze at all helps a lot. Yes, with a dusting too lol.
Air Filters
Be sure to change your air filters, and purchase air filters to help you combat spring allergies. Air filters are fairly cheap, and help when it comes to dealing with spring allergies. Much like the air purifier, they catch dust, pollen, and other allergens. Yes, another plus with dusting lol.
Clean Home & Cars
A big part of keeping spring pollen allergies away is keeping your home clean. See now you understand why I appreciate things that not only help with my families allergies, but with dusting too lol. Be sure to wipe things down with a damp cloth, or purchase one that picks up small particles of dust and pollen.
The less pollen and dust in your home, the better off allergy suffers will be. If you have hardwood floors, be sure to keep up with your floors, and use something that picks up dust, rather than your traditional broom that just moves it around. Be sure to mop often, as well.
Wear Sunglasses
You can wear sunglasses to help protect your eyes from pollen while you are outside. If your allergies are extreme, you may want to consider a mask.
Wash Hands and Face
Be sure to wash your hands and face often. Be sure to wash them if you have been outside, or if they have been exposed to pollen.
Keep Your Pets Clean
If you have pets be sure to keep them clean. Animals that come in the house bring in pollen and other allergens.
You can also use over-the-counter medication. They can help with allergies, but you might have to try a few to find which one works best for you or your family.
Bottom line, allergies are never any fun.
Do you have any tips that can help when it comes to the dreaded allergy season?
I too suffer from allergies. It causes a problem when it comes to yard work. My husband gets stuck doing it all.
I never nasal allergies when I was younger. Now that I am 55 years young, I have developed them… and it’s awful!! I truly feel for anyone that has had to deal with this misery for a lifetime!! Mine aren’t so bad, but I havea whole new respect for those who truly suffer with their allergies.