Mom’s Nothing Techie Policy: Five Places Not To Allow Technology!

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I think many of you will agree, there is a time and a place for technology.  I ran into this infographic, and you know me I love to share them if they catch my eye.  Well sleeping with Technology in the Bedroom totally caught my eye, becasue I am guilty of checking my phone every night before bed, as  a matter of a fact I have a computer in my bedroom as well.  It made me start thinking, and I am adding my bedroom to my places not to allow technology.  I make my teen keep her phone, computers, and everything else out of her room when she goes to bed.  Shame on me for not practicing what I preach.

Mom's Nothing Techie Policy: Five Places Not To Allow Technology!Five Places Not To Allow Technology!

By technology I mean any device which allows you to communicate – phones, laptops, iPads, tablets, computers, iPods, etc. I don’t mean your cool bathroom scale with all the bells and whistles.  

technology is a great tool, it helps in so many areas of our lives, but there are a few places it doesn’t belong like:

The Dinner Table – When we sit down to eat dinner I have a “Nothing Techie” policy.  I want to talk with my family, and see how everyone’s day was.  I love that I know every single day I will get 45 minutes to an hour of quality time with my family.  More often than not we sit around talking even after dinner is over.  Whether it’s listening to my teens drama, what made my husbands day so awesome, why Vayda is mad at her teacher, and what Mattie things is going on outside, lol.  It’s GREAT, and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything, not even my precious cell phone or laptop.

Family Movie Night – Every week we have family movie night, and mom’s “Nothing Techie” policy goes into play.  I would rather my daughter invite her boyfriend over than sit around texting him while we are trying to spend some quality time together as a family.  Which has actually worked out well.  Catie (my teenager) and her boyfriend have been together for a while, my husband hates it.  Regardless of what my husband thinks, I think it’s safe to say they are serious, and it’s time for mom and dad to invite him over for family events too.  Which Catie loves, I enjoy getting to know him, and well dad doesn’t like the fact his daughter is over the age of six, but we do love her boyfriend.

My Kids Bedrooms – Sorry, but there is a “Nothing Techie” policy in my kids room too.  My daughter has to put her phone to charge in the living room.   I know she stays up late texting or playing around if she has it in her room.  Plus, I also know how easy it is for people to hack into your webcam.  The thought of someone watching my daughter and us not knowing is freaks me out.  You never know, there are some crazy people out there.  Better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to my babies.

Family Events – We might not get together with everyone daily, but when we do I make the kids leave their phones and everything behind.  The way I see it is, everyone I care about is with me, they will not need to call me so all the techie stuff stays at home.  Typically the kids are okay with it, but Catie doesn’t like it much if she has not had the chance to talk to her boyfriend lol.  TEENS!  

The Bedroom – This is where I need to focus, I am so bad about jumping on the computer or my phone to check for anything I missed.  Which often leads to late nights, and less sleep.  I hate to get out of the habit of staying up late, it was starting to make me cranky with my family, I didn’t feel good, and surely didn’t look as rested.  However, I catch myself every now and again staying up late becasue I ran into something, or decided to finish something up.  If I was to remove all techie devices from my bedroom it would eliminate my accidental late nights.  I am less likely to sit up until early morning hours if I keep everything techie in my office, and out of my room.  

Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
It’s extremely important that we take time to enjoy “real life”, and make sure that our children do too.  I work online, and spend a lot of time at my computer, using my phone, or picking up a tablet to do something.  I have had to really pay attention to the things I am doing, so I stop and smell the roses every now and again.  There is a huge difference between life online, and real life.  
What about you?  Where do you not allow technology in your life?


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1 comment

Erika Messer April 13, 2014 - 7:37 pm

I do most of these as well – my daughter is 7 and is not allowed to have anything technological in her room. The only one I do allow her to do is during events and dinners (when we go out). Only because she has Williams syndrome and is VERY picky and it actually HELPS her eat her food without realizing it 🙂


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