We visited Denny’s Headquarters in Spartanburg, SC

We visited Denny’s Headquarters in Spartanburg, SC


As one of the lucky Denny’s Diner ambassadors, I recently travelled to Denny’s Headquarters in Spartanburg, SC, and visited their test kitchen.  Well, okay, so that’s not all. I had a blast, met amazing people, and got to try some pretty amazing food. I’ll tell you all about it, but I’m warning you!  I’m 99% sure you’re going to want to head to Denny’s when I’m finished, and wow, come October, if you don’t go to your local Denny’s Diner, you’ll miss out.  Oh yes, BIG things happening.

Spartanburg,We Visited The Denny’s Headquarters in Spartanburg SC

First of all, our room was amazing, and I cannot thank Denny’s enough for the chance to experience the Marriott in Spartanburg, SC!  If you ever visit the area, be sure to stay there; it’s great.  I’ve visited several Marriott’s, but I have not experienced one like the Marriott in Spartanburg, SC. 

We visited Denny’s Headquarters in Spartanburg, SC

Denny’s (#Denny’sNKH) Dishes Out Annual Fundraising Campaign – One of the neatest things I learned about Denny’s is that they are dishing out annual fundraising to help end childhood hunger in the United States.  Cool right?  Yes, a wholesome breakfast can do so much for children in school, and did you know kids are 20% more likely to graduate high school?  More the reason, from Aug 15 until Sept 30th in almost 1,600 Denny’s nationwide will sell coupons to support the No Kid Hungry efforts and help more than 16 million American children struggling with hunger. 

Denny’s (#Denny’sNKH) Dishes Out Annual Fundraising Campaign

Since 2011, Denny’s has donated more than $1.4 million to the No Kid Hungry campaign.  Isn’t this great?  I think it’s amazing, and before visiting, I had no idea, but to increase it’s impact this year, they are really stepping things up.  They are offering online t-shirts and in-unit coupon sales, a full two weeks ahead of most partners.

Have you stopped by your local Denny’s?  My husband and I did, because a $3 donation, guest will receive $9 worth of coupons redeemable at participating Denny’s Diners, and every dollar donated will help fee a child up to 10 healthy meals! 

Denny’s (#Denny’sNKH) Dishes Out Annual Fundraising Campaign

You can also give to the cause via a monetary donation of your choice at Dennys.com/NoKidHungry.  Those who donate online will be e-mailed a coupon for $5 off their next purchase of $20 or more.  You can also pledge your support by purchasing one of three exclusive No Kid Hungry campaign t-shirts, which are totally cool and designed by Denny’s team members in Texas, Kentucky, and Nevada for only $10 each.  Swing by No Kid Hungry to learn more.

Pancake Puppies: If you have not tried their pancakes, be sure to try them. They are amazing.

Denny’s Diner started being called what? Denny’s Diner started out as Danny’s Donets.  They changed the name because it was confusing, and people confused it with a place called Coffee Dan’s. 

Denny’s Kids Menu: Did you know Denny’s is collaborating with National Geographic Kids for their awesome Kids Adventure Menu?  It’s fun and educational, and the animals will change every quarter.  It’s great!

This mom loves the kid menu. If you have let your children order from the kids menu, you might have noticed how easy it is for them to order thanks to the pictures they can point at what they want, which is helpful for younger children like mine who cannot read yet. Plus, they can color and play using the kids menu, so they don’t get bored waiting for their food.

Menu planning: Did you know Denny’s starts working on their menu 18 months in advance?

seafood at denny's

Seafood: I love seafood, and it’s not something I would think of seeing on a Denny’s Diner menu, but guess what?  They have Alaska King Salmon with whole grain rice and yummy fresh steamed veggies on their Fit Fare menu, and it tastes amazing!  No joke, I was pleasantly surprised; it’s great!  If you like seafood, I highly recommend trying it.

denny's diner chicken salad sandwich

BEST Chicken Salad Sandwich: I have tried several chicken salad sandwiches in my time, but I can honestly say I have not tried one as good as the Chicken Salad Sandwich on Denny’s Diner menu.  It’s homemade with amazing roasted and seasoned chicken, toasted almonds, mayo finished with celery, and the red grapes add a flavor that’s mouthwatering.  It’s served with a spring mix and tomato on toasted 7-grain bread.  YUMMY!    

October: There are some great things coming in October; you’re going to want to come back and check out the blog post or swing by your local Denny’s! 

denny's diner headquarters in SC

The above image is of Denny’s building in SC.  Yes, the huge one!  Isn’t it cool? It’s where all the magic happens too!

There’s amazing stuff happening. This is my last one, but it’s huge!  There are amazing things that happen at Denny’s test kitchen; it’s where all the magic begins, and trust me, it’s magical!  I was with the group of bloggers who had the opportunity to sample the magic that’s coming out very shortly. 

The Denny’s Test Kitchen is organized, clean, and set up for success.  I was blown away by how much is put into every single dish you see on the Denny’s menu. 

I love listening to people speak who love what they do.  You can see the passion, motivation, and drive to do something amazing.  Honestly, listening to everyone who is part of Denny’s team speak was an experience.  They are all proud of what they do, proud of where Denny’s is going, and want nothing more than for us to see it as America’s Great Diner.  They want to do everything they can to be sure every interaction with employees is outstanding, meals are served just the way you like them, and the time spent at Denny’s is fun for the family. 

Out of all the trips I have been on, this is one of my favorite.  It was great learning about Denny’s history as well as the future. They are doing great things with Denny’s; they have great ideas, and I can’t wait until October because there are some great things coming up.  Everyone was so nice and so proud of what they were doing at Denny’s, which they should be!

Huge thank you to our friends at Denny’s for paying for us to go on this awesome and educational tip. All opinions are my own.

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