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My family tends to give me a hard time because I seriously have tons of devices that I can use to keep up with just about anything and everything I need to. I have smartphones, laptops, tablets, PCs, and iPods. I know it sounds crazy, but technology really is my passion. It wasn’t until I started blogging that I realized how much I loved technology, but it’s amazing, and I love that it’s always changing and improving. Speaking of keeping up with everything, have you been trying to catch it all for March Madness?
Just about everyone I know has been glued to the TV, a computer, laptop, or tablet of some kind. My brother is a nut and has at least 2 of them going at all times. He has always been the sports freak of the family, and this time of year is madness at his house. Which reminds me of this time when my brother kicked me out of the house because I was bad luck. Which might be okay, but I lived with him. I paid half the rent, and he kicked me out because I was bad luck and making his team lose. Since then, I refuse to go over to his house anytime there is sports on his TV, computer, laptop, tablet, or even smartphone. I know how he is, and I will be the first one to blame if something isn’t going as planned. It’s not a big deal; I am used to it. Growing up, my brother and I were the best of friends, and we still are to this day. We have just learned that there are certain times when it’s best to leave one another alone.
My brother is not the only person who is guilty of having more than one device streaming, especially during March Madness. There are times when one screen just isn’t enough, especially in today’s world filled with TV screens, smartphones, computers, tablets, and anything else that can stream. There are so many choices when you want to stay current with all the action, and with multiple screens, you will never miss that moment.
I am going to be honest; I don’t watch TV, but I am always on my computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. If I want to catch it all, I have plenty of screens to choose from. Since March Madness has been going on, just about everyone I know has been glued to their screen, trying to “catch it all,” as many of you are too.
My husband picks on me because I have about 89 tabs open on my computer and bounce back and forth between them all because I want to “catch it all” on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, my blog, email, and so on. Best Buy helps keep you connected to the excitement of the devices and connectivity that make it possible. Brought to life by the brand promise of the latest devices and services, all in one place.