14 Things You Might Not Know About Scents


There’s nothing like a little scents & memories, which results in my perfect combination.  You know, scents and memories go together like bacon and eggs.  It’s the truth: when I smell something, I recognize that it takes me back to that place in time.  I can remember details about a person, place or event.  Scents and memories are my most cherished combinations, especially now that I am an adult.    

Yes, I love it when I am walking in the store and I smell something that takes me back to a certain time in my life, and for that certain moment, it’s like I traveled back in time to be there again.  Now, my combination for success is pink and brown!  I don’t care what it is—pink and brown make it better, lol.  Which is totally cool, but pink and brown look pretty it doesn’t allow me to travel back to a place.

Scents, Memories, & Some Fun Nosey Facts Old Spice Scents

Scents & Memories: Plus 14 Fun Scents, Smells, & Nose Facts

What’s your favorite combination—sweet and savory, peanut butter and jelly, Old Spice body wash and Old Spice deodorant? 

I can be walking in the store and get a certain whiff of Old Spice, and it takes me back to my childhood.  Every morning, my dad and I would sit in his chair and watch an episode of Andy Griffith.  He was already dressed in his work uniform, which was a blue button-down shirt, jeans, and his work boots.  He always showered in the morning, and I always remember telling him how good he smelled.  I didn’t know it was Old Spice then, but as an adult, I know exactly what the scent was, and every time I smell it, I go back to those mornings.  These were some of the best times in my childhood.   That’s why scents and memories matter so much to me, because I love remembering all the little things that helped mold me into who I am today, and I love that I can remember such detail.  I even remember how proud I felt sitting there with my dad.  I didn’t care that it was 5:30 a.m.; I was with my dad, the one man to this day I know will always be there for me.  

14 Awesome Facts About Scents, Smells, and Your Nose!

14 Awesome Facts About Scents, Smells, and Your Nose!

When I was in college, I loved learning about how smell and memory work. I probably learned it in high school too, but I don’t remember.  I love how a smell can bring back memories, and at that very moment, you can remember everything from what someone was wearing to how they had their hair. 

  • Want to know a few crazy things about your nose?
  • Did you know that people can remember smells with accuracy after a year?
  • The most sensitive of the senses is smell.
  • Smell is also the sense that is most linked to emotional recollection.
  • Women’s sense of smell is stronger than men’s.
  • A woman’s sense of smell is stronger during her menstrual cycle.
  • We smell with our brains, not our noses!  Yes, our nose is simply a passage to filter the air we breathe.  Our little hairs clean the air like a broom sweeps the floor and gets rid of all the junk.
  • You have a unique scent! Yes, everyone has their own scent stamp; no two people have the same odor unless you’re twins, and I believe you must be identical twins. 
  • Your scent is determined by several things: diet, environment, medication, emotional state, weather, and a number of other things.
  • Smell has a powerful link to your memory. 
  • Your sense of smell is strongest during the spring and summer months.
  • Most people are able to recognize about 10,000 different scents.
  • Did you know that when you smell a skunk, you’re smelling less than 0.000,000,000,000,080 of an ounce of scent?
  • Dogs have about 20 times the number of receptors as we do.

Scented Memory Tip: I don’t know about you, but I love being taken back for a split second when I smell something familiar.  If you enjoy it too, don’t overdo it with the scent, because you’re nose can become used to the scent, and you risk not being taken back.  If I were to wear a perfume that makes me think of my mom, my nose would become used to the smell, and it would not have the same impact, which I honestly love. 

There’s nothing like being taken back when you smell something.  It’s such an amazing way to hold on to a memory because it’s almost like you are taken back to that place for a split second. I love it!

It’s no wonder we are taken back to a certain place or time in our lives when we smell something from our childhood or earlier years, much like Old Spice does for me, but it’s not all Old Spice; it’s the scent that my father has worn for years. 

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